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Eishockey News, Ergebnisse und Live-Ticker


One of the most famous portals for ice hockey in Germany has provided us with their new website. The task was to create a fast and at the same time information rich website, which has several interfaces.

We were able to complete the task by using the most modern technologies and created a powerful website that welcomes several thousand visitors every day. The ice hockey live ticker is constantly updated and you can watch all the games on the match day at the same time. It an interplay of XML and JS interfaces and the inventory content created, which allows elaborate internal linking and excellent navigation and provide all hockey fans with the most important information about the beloved club intuitively.

The individual mobile version is fast and clear and contains all content available for the desktop version. 

Internet presence, home page, web siteServer hosting, domain serviceLogo developmentWeb design, screen design, graphicsContent Management System - CMSWeb development - software programmingLead agencyGraphics designMobile versionResponsive web design
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