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Landing pages

use-media creates landing pages for you. Landing pages are crucial for attracting targeted visitors, presenting information and measuring the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

Corporate Design

Corporate design strengthens brand identity and creates consistency. On a website it promotes recognition, trust and professional appearance. use-media creates your corporate design.


Enable communication between website and user, provide for feedback, sign-ups, orders, and data collection to create interactive and functional websites and promote user engagement.

Consent Bar

With a website from use-media you are on the safe side when it comes to data protection. The ConsentBar is automatically created according to your specifications and can be output in different variati...

Online store

Clear product descriptions, secure payment options, fast support and mobile access for a smooth shopping experience. Create your online store with a website from use-media.


use-media erstellt Newsletter für Ihre Webseite. Newsletter sind relevant, da sie direkte Kommunikation ermöglichen, Kundenbindung fördern, Informationen teilen und Marketingeffektivität steigern.

Blog entries

Wir erstellen Blogposts für Ihre Webseite, diese sind wichtig für relevanten Inhalt, SEO-Verbesserung, bindet die Zielgruppe und baut Autorität auf.

General contents

For a good website, easy navigation, fast loading times, appealing design, clear content and a mobile version are very important. use-media creates your website.


A clear, appealing and informative homepage is important for the first impression of a website. use-media offers you websites with good user guidance and clear navigation.

Online Marketing

Content Service

You want to attract more customers from your region? We create SEO optimized texts for you that match your keywords. We do regular keyword research and competitive analysis. We maintain your website a...

Social Media Service

We help you develop an effective social media strategy that fits your goals. We'll create media plans for you, edit your images for the posts you want, and run ads to increase your reach to your targe...

Google Ads

We make you visible in German search engines with Google Adwords or Bing Ads. Regional keywords, target groups, campaigns and ads - we take care of everything from keyword research and analysis to Adw...

Keyword research

Based on the initial analysis, we can derive optimization measures with the aim of implementing more efficient campaigns. Regular keyword research and analyses of the market development are mandatory ...

Link building

We help you generate strong backlinks and forum posts. In doing so, we take care of the accounts, maintenance and coordination. This way you will increase the link power of your website and will bring...

Webpage and SEO Audit

We will review your website and perform a comprehensive ranking analysis. For this, relevant keywords are defined and compared to your website to determine the keyword density. You will receive a comp...


Payment Gateways

are online services that enable secure payment processing by mediating transactions between customers, merchants and banks. use-media implements interfaces to payment gateways and payment aggregators ...

Shopify and Woocommerce

are the biggest providers for e-commerce stores. use-media implements interfaces to Shopify and WooCommerce and connects your website with your e-commerce stores.

Server configurations

are settings and resource arrangements to set up and optimize the performance and functionality of a server, e.g. hardware, software and network parameters. use-media is your partner for server config...

.NET Desktop Applications

are Windows apps created with the .NET Framework or .NET Core, developed for desktop computers. They provide a user interface and features that run on Windows PCs. use-media programs .NET applications...


XML is a markup language for structured representation of data in the form of hierarchical tags, ideal for data exchange and configuration. We program in XML.


Cronjobs are automated tasks in Unix systems. They are executed according to a schedule and are used to schedule recurring processes in programming. use-media sets up your cronjobs.


JavaScript is a widely used client-side programming language for web development. It enables interaction and dynamic design of websites. We use modern JavaScript technologies in our software.


use-media programs applications for you in VB.Net.
VB.Net is an object-oriented programming language from Microsoft. It is used for the development of Windows applications and web services.

API - Interfaces

API interfaces allow data exchange between different software applications to share functions and data. use-media sets up API interfaces of any kind for you - Google, Shopify, Shopware, WooCommerce, P...


PHP is a server-side scripting language. It is used for web development to create dynamic websites and applications. Programming in PHP 7 and 8 is everyday life for use-media and all our systems are b...

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