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Zornröschen e.V.


As a supporter within our social sponsoring concept, we created an extensive, modern and yet plausible website for Zornröschen e.V. using our content management system. The layout is clearly structured and any girl or boy who needs help will quickly find their way around. There is a map of Germany, which allows to quickly find the appropriate emergency center.

To enable helpers to support the association's work, we have integrated several donation options including PayPal on the site. Making a donation is easy and hassle-free.

The website is responsive and has a convenient mobile version.

Contact and Information Center against Sexual Abuse of Girls and Boys

Eickener Str. 197
41063 Mönchengladbach

Phone: 0 21 61 - 20 88 86

Internet presence, home page, web siteServer hosting, domain serviceOnline MarketingWeb design, screen design, graphicsWeb development - software programming
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