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Say goodbye to the DSGVO gray area

Cookie Consent Bar for your website - GDPR

Þ18 October 2020, 12:43
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Say goodbye to the data protection gray area your website may be in since the DSGVO came into effect and use our Cookie Consent Bar as an alternative to the simple and non-privacy-compliant cookie notice.

џClick here and test the Cookie Consent Bar


Warning notices despite cookie notice?

When the General Data Protection Regulation came into force, the majority of website operators assumed that it would be sufficient to update the privacy policy and include a simple cookie notice informing that cookies are used on the website.

Wie sich jedoch gezeigt hat, bedarf es einer technisch viel umfassenderen Lösung als eine einfache Cookie-Meldung, denn datenschutzkonform ist dies nicht.

But what is needed on a website if not a cookie notice? It needs a transparent and self-determined consent and revocation solution. The answer to these requirements is our Consent Bar, which opens completely new doors for the user in the direction of transparent and self-determined data use.



Website security according to DSGVO - we did it!

џCookie Consent-Bar for websites: While for half of the European economy May 25, 2018 has gone down in corporate history as the "black day" of the new General Data Protection Regulation, we have always seen the GDPR as an opportunity. We believe that civil rights must also be protected on the Internet and that the European economy can and must act as a global role model here in order to make the Internet secure for the future.

Consent Bar für Cookie-Einstellungen nach DSGVO

Now, however, the Data Protection Regulation seems to be quite a chunk for many responsible parties and hardly anyone in Europe knows how to deal with it properly. Since the GDPR came into force, a new chapter has been opened around data protection and this is where we come in. While most internet pioneers have panicked and labeled the regulation as unnecessary as well as unenforceable, our team got to work.

It is our goal to develop a website for our customers as simple, smart and above all DSGVO compliant as possible - without compromise.

With a Team of Programmers, Designers and expert data protection officers, we have made what at first glance seems "impossible" possible for our customers around the world by means of a so-called cookie consent bar. Whether small, medium-sized or large companies, with our software you are data protection compliant on the global data highway.


„Everyone said, "You can't do that.
Then came one who did not know that and did it.“


GDPR: CMS solution with Consent Bar

Before we go into more detail about the џ cookie consent bar, it is first important to understand what it actually is and its function.

DSGVO Cookie-Hinweis für Ihre Website

As an agency for new media, use-media has been the partner since 1996 when it comes to developing modern websites and operating software that set new standards and meet industry-specific individual requirements. With the help of our proprietary operating system including CMS (Content Management System) for the design of websites, we can meet these requirements and provide our customers with a powerful tool for the individual administration and further development of their own websites. You use only one software interface, which is so extensive and at the same time easy to control, that you can fill your websites with new content and adjust them visually according to your ideas with only a few clicks. At the same time, our software solution also offers many other features that you can use.

This includes, for example, the establishment of an online store as well as the use of an intrigued CRM (Customer Relationship Management) for customer acquisition, an e-mail client and the possibility of direct file exchange among employees.

At the same time, the web pages can be displayed on any device. Whether on a smartphone, tablet or on billboards and large touch steles, our intelligent software enables clean output of any content on all devices, enabling entirely new advertising options.

From year to year, we continue to develop our software, create new useful features and always adapt our solutions to the current circumstances. This is also how we started the story of the so-called Consent Bar for cookies, which is part of our software package and covers the area of data protection-related online consent management. After all, we too have a great interest in offering our customers DSGVO-compliant operation of their website and thus meeting the data protection requirements of "privacy by design" and "privacy by default" on our part. Use our џ Consent Bar as an alternative to the simple cookie notice and make your websites fit for the General Data Protection Regulation with our help.

EU Legislative Acts on the General Data Protection Regulation


What exactly is a Cookie Consent Bar?

Unlike a standard cookie message, the Consent Bar offers the user direct setting options for the setting of cookies or consent to online data processing requiring consent and thus gives the user the opportunity to exercise the right to determine their own data. When a new user visits a website, an expandable bar appears for the cookie settings, which the respective user can make himself and thus retain full control over his data.

DSGVO-konforme Cookie Consent Bar für Ihre Website - Datenschutz.

Thus, the user him self can determine whether he wants to allow cookies to be set for Google Analytics, for example, or whether the Facebook Like button should be activated and thus a Facebook cookie set in his web browser. But cookies are also crucial for localization - for example, cookies are also set when Google Maps is used on a website, for example. With the help of our џ Consent Bar, the user can also determine here whether he wants to allow a cookie in order to be able to use Google Maps and agree to the associated data transfer to Google or whether he wants to do without the application.

Consent Bar für Cookie Einstellungen rund um die DSGVO (Datenschutz-Grundverordnung).

What exactly changes with the Consent Bar? Well, for the user hardly anything changes in the first place except that he now has complete control over his data and that cookies are not arbitrarily set in his own web browser. After all, it should be up to the user to decide whether he wants to allow a cookie in order to use certain applications or whether he does not want to do so - this is what the GDPR stipulates.


Test the Cookie Consent Bar for your website

Would you like to learn more about the Consent Bar? Take a look at our џ Consent Bar. Our team will be happy to answer all your questions about our software solutions, including our new Cookie Consent Bar, and discuss with you a possible implementation for your company.

We are looking forward to your inquiry!

Autor: DH

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Data protection policy | Imprint | Cookies | Adalize MK1 9.0.09 | RegNr. 18489 | use-media Œ
Privacy Policy: We use cookies to personalize content and ads, to provide social media features, and to understand our traffic.

If you agree, we share information about the use of our website with partners for social media, advertising and analysis.

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