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The digital museum experience for young and old

Museum software for stelae

Þ15 April 2020, 12:44
read time: 5 min
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Museum Software

What does a closed company operating system have to do today? Sure, there are numerous CMS solutions on the Internet for the construction of simple Internet presences, up to complex store systems, but how future-proof are these solutions in a time where the technical change overtakes us all again and again? Our team always drives on the left lane and offers compact solutions today, which will already belong to the standards tomorrow.

This is also true for our kiosks software, which has been developed over many years and is integrated into our closed company operating system. It is used in some museums as "museum software for kiosks" and offers museum visitors a completely new visitor experience with digital accompaniment. In the following article we would like to show you what a well implemented museum software must be able to do and in which points our closed company operating system stands out, how it is already successfully used in some museums and how you can easily control the software via the admin access of your website anywhere in the world in real time - online.

kiosks: Advertising and interaction in the digital age

Large billboards have been one of the most effective and popular marketing methods since the Stone Age. Whether in the mall, on the expressway, or in the city center, intrusive billboards accompany us through everyday life and ensure that we can no longer get the biggest brands out of our heads. But what if potential customers could no longer just perceive a brand or advertising message, but interact with it? Digital billboards and large kiosks with control systems make this possible.

It doesn't matter whether a kiosks is set up exclusively for advertising purposes in a large shopping center or whether it is used so that passers-by can digitally participate in short surveys via touch control. Whether you want to display changing videos or other elaborately prepared media, kiosks offer the ideal platform for this.

Stelen ersetzen Plakate als Werbeplattform.

Museum Software: Offer visitors a digital museum experience

Now you are probably wondering how we get from the topic of "websites" to "kiosks" and their control options. Quite simple: Our closed company operating system offers you not only a flexible and easily controllable website, but also a smart kiosks control at the same time. Why develop a complex kiosks control system for tens of thousands of Euros if you can manage all kiosks online and control them with dynamic content directly via your admin access on your website with just a few clicks?

The company operating system of use-media already has more than twenty years of development behind it and has grown into a powerful all-in-one tool, which not only offers our customers an incredible number of options for website design and further development, but also takes into account the digital requirements of tomorrow. Whether on a PC, tablet, smartphone, TV or on huge touch screens, our customers' websites can be displayed on any conceivable device in the highest quality and operated by consumers with the help of a smart touch control.

Museum NAIM in Sofia LogoOne example is the archaeological museum NAIM (National Archaeological Institute with Museum) in Sofia, which has been equipped with kiosks operated with our software solution since 2014. But also the museum Bezistena (Cultural information center Bezisten) in Yambol trusts in our professional museum software for kiosks since 2013.

The goal is to offer visitors a modern and at the same time unique museum experience, which will linger in the visitor's memory for a long time.

What museum software for kiosks offers you

A tour of a museum is usually very quiet and its atmosphere is also intended to stimulate reflection. But how can this process be creatively supported? Digital information boards and interactive kiosks can be a great support here and turn a museum visit into an exciting adventure:

Museum Software für Stelen

  • Output your website live on kiosks, which can be operated by visitors using touch controls.
  • Run short surveys that visitors can answer with the tap of a finger as they walk by.
  • Promote new exhibits or upcoming events.
  • Use kiosks to display information about individual exhibits or halls and offer your visitors a digital overview of all available exhibits.
  • Create a digital map that always shows your visitors where they are and gives them an overview of the other halls with additional information at the touch of a finger.
  • Think of your foreign visitors as well and offer all information in multiple languages. Visitors can then switch languages at the touch of a finger and navigate through your museum's digital offerings in their familiar native language.
  • For each exhibit, provide comprehensive provenance information and digitally tell the story of the exhibit.

These were just a few examples of how museums can use interactive kiosks to support their visitors with a digital offering.

Basically, there are hardly any limits to the output of digital content.


A museum software adapted to your needs

A good software solution for kiosks must meet a number of technical requirements in order to meet the needs of end users. For example, the touch control must run smoothly and the user must be able to swipe and zoom through the digital offering as much as he or she likes. If the respective user leaves the kiosks again, it must be automatically reset for new potential users after a short period of inactivity, so that they can be offered the same digital experience right from the start. But everything also has to function smoothly in the background at all times, which is why regular updates of the software are necessary. Thanks to the kiosks direct Internet connection, our developers can install these updates remotely on all kiosks around the globe without the need for on-site maintenance.

Operating system independent: Since our museum software or kiosks control is accessed and managed directly from your website, you can use our software solution completely independent of your operating system. You can install our software solution on your online server and then control it from anywhere in the world, or we can install our software in your internal company network without an Internet connection, so that you can then control the software online, completely protected via a so-called VPN access.

So far, a short insight into our software solutions for museums.

Would you like to learn more about our software solutions or do you have specific questions regarding feasibility in your museum? Contact us and make an appointment for an initial meeting so that we can discuss your project together.

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